Why Journaling Isn't Working for You...
Why journaling isn’t working for you…
Do you find yourself having one, two or maybe even three of the following problems?
Problem #1: Do you pick up your journal and all of sudden feel blocked?
Problem #2: Do you want to journal but find you don’t have the time for it?
Problem #3: Have you journaled before but keep falling off track and find yourself inconsistent with it?
I’ll tell you why this may be happening for you…
Reason #1: You’ve made the decision and the time to journal, but when you open your journal you ultimately have no clue what to journal about. This may be because you have NO idea where to start. There’s soo much you could be writing about, that it might be overwhelming and blocking your ability to start. You may even feel like there’s nothing to write about…it all comes down to not knowing where to start. Once you know where to begin, you’ll get the hang of it easy.
Reason #2: Are you scrolling on your phone for more than 10 minutes a day collectively, or even in just one sitting? Are you finding yourself on social media to create or to consume? Is it a mix of both? You may find that you don’t have the time because you’re not making space for it in your day and unhelpful habits may be filling that space. You feel like you’re constantly busy. If you’re spending 15+ minutes a day scrolling or watching TV or anything else that’s mindless and unsupportive, you’re missing out on sincerely transformative journaling time….time that will help you heal, find happiness, and discover hope. Time that will help you grow.
Reason #3: You may be inconsistent with journaling for a couple reasons. One may be that you decided to be gung ho on journaling for a short period of time and you started by journaling every day, only to find you’ve bumped into a vulnerability hangover and have to take a rest from journaling, at which point you forget your intention and lose focus. You also may not be making a solid intentional commitment to yourself to actually adopt journaling as a new habit. If you’re not deeply intentional about creating a new journaling habit, it’s not going to happen for you.
The Revolutionary Journal solves each one of these problems. You know why this is happening to you now….so become part of the solution. Get The Revolutionary Journal to finally create your own journaling habit and kickstart your personal transformation.
With never ending belief in you,
Devin <3