How long is the program & how often do we meet?

The program is 4 weeks and will begin the middle of April 2022. We’ll meet (1) times per week, each live zoom session lasting approximately 120 minutes (Saturdays at 9:00 am PST).

When does The Breakthrough Project begin?

So the program begins with our first group session on Saturday, April 16, 2022!

Will we have work to do outside of the live sessions?

Yes, you’ll have integration exercises. These exercises will allow you to integrate what you’re learning and to embody new practices right away for your growth, expansion and manifestation.

If we do this program, can we work with you privately afterwards or during if we really like your coaching style?

Yes, and I require both of us to be a truly aligned pair, so that we can achieve maximal outcomes for you. I want us to be an impeccable fit to maximize your benefits. That means we will have an exploration call, and you’ll fill out an application to work with me 1:1. If we’re a match, I’ll invite you to be my client. And the rest will be history!

What will be the format of the live content?

The format of the live sessions will be via Zoom sessions with workshops, practical integration exercises, and open group discussions. If you’re catching the playback then I want you to comment in the Telegram chat if you have questions, clarifications or concerns. Throughout the program, I’ll be responding to your comments and questions there.

How many students will be in The Breakthrough Project?

The maximum number of people I will be accepting is up to 16 people.