What is this?
6 month mastermind container.
Exclusive community of Conscious Creatives to innovate alongside.
Group manifestation and success coaching at your fingertips.
And the outcome?
You’ll manifest your soul-aligned business, doing things the joyful way… AND you’ll achieve things you’ve never even imagined, and beyond.
How on earth do you expect that to happen?
By combining proven Success Principles, using The Law of Attraction, and implementing my Revolutionary Manifesting Framework, on top of my tried and true coaching practices to help you get the results you want. That’s how.

Let me guess why you’re here…

Here’s what my clients are saying…
“Devin encouraged me to peel back the layers of why I was scared of success in my business and myself. She truly uncovers your deepest desires. She provides SO MUCH value and insight that I truly believe anyone who is ready to up-level their lives and business would massively benefit. Devin’s work is priceless and she truly understands what growth means, as she does the work herself and lives in a state of amplification.”
“Devin’s workshops provided an eye opening and transformative process. In 2 weeks I went from “not being enough” to learning my personality will be embraced when I’m around other “big thinkers.” That took me from a place of isolation and back out into the world! Learning this is helping to reshape my understanding of relationships.”
“All I can say is that Devin’s workshops completely blew me away. I left with a whole new outlook. Devin and the others in the group helped me discover a limiting belief that has been holding me back and that I was in denial. I have been in other groups and this was by far the best one I have attended. Devin makes everyone feel super comfortable but more importantly she makes everyone feel special. She genuinely cares about people and it’s apparent in everything she does. I would 100 percent recommend her group to anyone because we all have limiting beliefs whether or not we want to admit it. I left the group feeling much better and I was thoroughly impressed.”
“You have given me every tool for me to finally change my mindset and get out of my own freaking way. I feel so powerful! Like I have it inside of me to truly impact others. It feels so aligned and makes me so fulfilled. I feel validated and like my voice truly matters!”
“Devin permitted me to dig very deep into what triggers my negative self-talk and thoughts. I was able to pinpoint the exact moment in my childhood where it all came from and it was at that moment that my view on my limiting beliefs changed. I feel incredibly lucky that I could work with Devin. Since then, I’ve created (with her help, still!) great journal prompts that have been challenging my limiting beliefs, to turn them into positive thoughts and uplifting self-talk. Without that work, I sincerely think I would still be stuck in a rut, not knowing what the next step would be for me. I’ve evolved incredibly since then - Devin really was an amazing guide throughout this exercise, and I am forever grateful for the mountain I could climb with her help.”
“I have so much that I’m proud of lately and I am BLOOMING, it’s incredible. Truly, Devin is amazing. Thank you so much for your support Devin. You have no idea how it feels to have someone believe in you the way you do. You have helped me so much!”

Frequently Asked Questions
*How to manifest soul-aligned business and become a magnet to your desires
*How to goal set with way less resistance
*How to use your custom success plan to make legitimate strides toward your dreams
*How to access all your creativity on demand
*And finally…a community of fellow creators who want to see you succeed just as much as you do
Thursdays at 5:30 -7:00 pm EST
Our live video sessions will range from 60-90 minutes, and will be held 3 times per month. Sessions will be the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Thursdays of the month (unless otherwise indicated by our schedule).
June 9th will be our very first session!
(Note. June is an exception to our traditional schedule and the sessions will be the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Thursdays.)
Don’t worry - once enrolled, you’ll receive a clearly detailed email with all the dates laid out for you.